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- Basic functions
- Host-guest networking
- Wireless capabilities
Basic functions
A video walkthrough on loading a sample platform - Silicon Lab's EFM32MG running a Zephyr shell application, displaying the list of peripherals, and logging capabilities.
Host-guest networking
This tutorial presents how to connect a simulated Ethernet network with the host system and access a Zephyr RTOS-based HTTP server running on Intel's Quark C1000. This lets you use standard networking-oriented tools to interact with the simulated environment, or to enable simulated nodes to access online resources.
Wireless capabilities
This tutorial shows wireless communication between two TI CC2538 nodes running a Contiki-NG sample and the RPL protocol over UDP. With Renode you can control the position of the emulated nodes and properties of the wireless medium itself.
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Getting started
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Debian Linux, (.deb)
Fedora Linux, (.rpm)
Arch Linux, (.pkg.tar.xz)
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